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Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism", International Conference, Oct. 19-21, 2022

From October 19 to 21, the Hannah Arendt. Kritische Gesamtausgabe invites you to an international conference on Volume 5 "Origins of Totalitarianism" / "Elemente und Urspünge totaler Herrschaft" at the FU Berlin. Scholars from different disciplines will for the first time discuss the newly edited, annotated and commented material from Arendt's seminal study of totalitarianism.

The conference is funded by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.

JOIN US ONLINEhttps://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin-en/j.php?MTID=m6dc8cb70200422cd27a2377761ca1417

News from Sep 06, 2022


Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022 

(Online Video: https://www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/services/medien/av-medien/test/hannah_arendt/begruessung)

12:30                Arrival

12:45-13:00     Welcome and Introduction, Barbara Hahn

13:00-13:30     Welcoming Address, President of the Freien Universität Berlin

13:30-14:00     Annette Vowinckel (ZZF Potsdam/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): 

                         On the Antisemitism Part

14:00-14:15     Break

14:15-14:45     Friedbert Rüb (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin):

                         On the Imperialism Part

14:45-15:15     Hanno Berger / Christian Pischel (Freie Universität Berlin):

                         On the Totalitarianism Part

15:15-15:45     Coffee Break

15:45-16:15     Ingo Kieslich (Freie Universität Berlin):

                         On the Digital Edition of Arendt’s Works

16:15-17:15     Q&A with the Editors

17:15-17:30     Break

17:30-18:30     Keynote: Ilija Trojanow 

(Online Video: https://www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/services/medien/av-medien/test/hannah_arendt/keynote)

18:30                Reception

Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022

Panel 1:    Antisemitism 

(Online Video: https://www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/services/medien/av-medien/test/hannah_arendt/panel1)

9:30-10:30      Helmut Walser Smith (Vanderbilt University):

                         Anti-Semitism: Its Place in Arendt's Origins and in Emerging Interpretations of the Catastrophe

10:30-11:30    Rebecca Wittmann (University of Toronto):

                         Arendt, Antisemitism, and Eichmann: Enduring Questions on Motivation 

11:30-11:45    Coffee Break

11:45-12:45    Stefanie Schüler-Springorum (Technische Universität Berlin):

                         Recent Trends in Historiography on Antisemitism 

12:45-13:45     Lunch break

Panel 2:    Imperialism

(Online Video: https://www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/services/medien/av-medien/test/hannah_arendt/panel2)

13:45-14:45     Hans-Jörg Sigwart (RWTH Aachen):

                         The Experience of Expansion. Arendt‘s Characterological Interpretation of Imperialism

14:45-15:45      Jan Maximilian Robitzsch (Universität Greifswald):

                          The Development of Hannah Arendt's Thoughts on Human Rights

15:45-16:00      Coffee break

16:00-17:00      Derek Penslar (Harvard University):

                           Arendt, Zionism, and Colonialism

19:00:                Conference Dinner

Friday, Oct. 21, 2022

Panel 3:    Totalitarianism

(Online Video https://www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/services/medien/av-medien/test/hannah_arendt/panel3)

09:30-10:30     Thomas Lindenberger (Hannah Arendt-Institut, Dresden):

                          Between History, Memory Politics and „The Burden of Our Time”: The Case of “Totalitarianism”

10:30-11:30      Juliane Fürst (ZZF Potsdam/Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin):

                          Late Socialism and Totalitarianism:  A History in Two Acts

11:30-11.45      Coffee Break

11:45-12:45      Marcel Stoetzler (Bangor University, Wales):

                          Totality and Total Domination: The Concept of Totalitarianism in Arendt and in Critical Theory  

12:45-13:45      Lunch Break

Panel 4:    Methods, Concepts, and Reception 

(Online Video https://www.cedis.fu-berlin.de/services/medien/av-medien/test/hannah_arendt/panel4)

13:45-14:45      Amir Engel (Hebrew University, Jerusalem):

                          Between the Hate and the Love of Israel: Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem

14:45-15:00      Coffee Break

15:00-16:00      Round Table Discussion moderated by the editors

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  • Amir Engel
  • Annette Vowinckel
  • Antisemitismus
  • Barbara Hahn
  • Christian Pischel
  • Derek Penslar
  • Elemente und Ursprünge des totaler Herrschaft
  • Friedbert Rüb
  • Hannah Arendt
  • Hanno Berger
  • Hans-Jörg Sigwart
  • Helmut Walser Smith
  • Ilija Trojanow
  • Imperialismus
  • Ingo Kieslich
  • Jan C. Behrends
  • Jan Maximilian Robitzsch
  • Juliane Fürst
  • Marcel Stoetzler
  • Origins of Totalitarianism
  • Rebecca Wittmann
  • Stefanie Schüler-Springorum
  • Thomas Lindenberger
  • Totalitarismus