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Hannah Arendt – Complete Works. Critical Edition

This DFG supported Critical Edition is the first publication to present all of Hannah Arendt’s published and unpublished works in a philologically reliable scholarly edition with critical commentary. 

Hannah Arendt composed distinct English and German versions of nearly all of her books and many of her essays. This edition makes the fundamentally plural dimension of her works visible and accessible. 

The Critical Edition is designed as a technologically innovative hybrid project, appearing in both print and digital forms, which is particularly appropriate to the diverse corpus of Arendt’s works. Taken together, the print books and the web portal, each with their own strengths, enhance the potential of both media. The published volumes are freely available on www.hannah-arendt-edition.net (usually one year after the print publication by Wallstein Verlag).



  • Critical Edition
  • Hannah Arendt
  • Wallstein Verlag
Vanderbilty University