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In Memoriam: Dr. Ingeborg Nordmann

Ingeborg Nordmann, co-editor of The Modern Challenge to Tradition, has passed away on February 24, 2024. We owe Hannah Arendt's presence in Germany in large part to her decades of essayistic and editorial work: thirty years ago, her book Hannah Arendt. Zur Einführung was published, which was also translated into Italian. In 1993 she published Besuch in Deutschland. Together with Ursula Ludz, she is the editor of Arendt's Denktagebuch (2003), which enables completely new readings of Arendt's work. She has published three thick volumes of correspondence, all with beautiful titles: In keinem Besitz verwurzelt, the correspondence with Kurt Blumenfeld (1995), Wahrheit gibt es nur zu zweien: Briefe an die Freunde (2013) and the volume Wie ich einmal ohne dich leben soll, mag ich mir nicht vorstellen (2017), which presents the correspondence with the friends Charlotte Beradt, Rose Feitelson, Hilde Fränkel, Anne Weil and Helen Wolff.

We will miss Ingeborg Nordmann very much.                         

News from Mar 05, 2024

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  • Critical Edition
  • Ingeborg Nordmann
  • The Modern Challenge to Tradition